May 30, 2017

Today I went to the Whitefish Downtown Farmers Market, which is held every Tuesday from 5 until 7:30 pm. Today's was the first market of the season. It was hot outside, but that didn't keep the people away! Lots of laughter, music, dogs, bright colors, kids twirling around, and some very good booths. When it's not such a hot day, I'll bring Maggie. Here's a few snaps.


  1. Wow! Very impressed here. We don't have a very big farmer's market at all here. I'd love yours! Can't believe it's hot there. Hot and humid here, remember what humidity is? lol

    1. No humidity here...I've already forgotten about it! Come up and visit!

  2. Looks like so much fun! Still miss those kinds of events from Virginia. I am surprised to hear it was so hot there. Lots of cut dogs, too! Maggie will love it!
    That little scruffy dog with the red could be a clone of my little Ginger Munchkin if it was a bit darker - and could make it's ears stand up!

  3. Define "Hot" up there! Looks so lovely. Miss you!


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