Spindrift Organics

Today my friend Mary and I were driving to the Cherry Festival in Polson, taking 35 around Flathead Lake, when I saw a sign for Finley Point State Park. My daughter's best friend has a son named Finley, so I followed the road to take a few snaps for him. On the way, I discovered heaven disguised as Spindrift Organics. A table was set up by the side of the road, and two women were selling cherries. Of course I stopped, and I'm so glad I did. The gates were open to the certified organic farm, and Kristin gave me a tour.

They were selling three kinds of cherries (Rainier, Skeena, and a more sour type for pie baking whose name escapes me.) After mentioning they also had raspberries, they offered to run pick some for us! And then I found out that they also have peaches and nectarines that aren't quite ready yet...and also veggies-to-be...and they grow grapes and bottle their own wine! The list goes on and on. Since I had no camera equipment with me (I know, shame shame) today, I'm going back later to take some decent photographs, but in the meantime I thought you might like to look at these.

The ride there was pretty nice, too!
And, yes, the cherries are superb!  Especially the Skeenas!


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